Sunday, May 9, 2010

This is me alone.. (I've lost count.)

No guy wants a girl like me. Unless they're idiots; and most are, but only once. They'll be a part of your game, the game you play so well, only once.

And this is the game: Guys are like barbies for little girls. Like a mermaid barbie, whose hair changes colors underwater. You have to have it, and when you get it you play with it constantly for months. But then, mermaid barbie deluxe edition comes to the toy store shelves and this barbie not only has hair that changes color underwater, but also can be wound up and swim by herself. Now, of course old mermaid barbie gets tossed into the ghetto with short-haired naked barbies, and the deluxe edition mermaid barbie now receives all the attention, because she's new and different and offers more delight.

I said months, but with better, stronger and faster technology it's becoming merely weeks before the new turns old.

Forgive us little girls.

1 comment:

  1. Sure most guys are idiots but do you miss the ones that aren't? Do you see them for who they are?

    I personally enjoy having only one Barbie. This one knows everything about me and all the things I like. When I find this one it's the only thing I see and only thing I want. Sure you can always trade up but who wants to do that when you and your first Barbie are so lose?

    I have this feeling these Barbies don't see the ones that actually do wish to keep them and love them forever. And then It's not the owner trading for a new Barbie it's the Barbie looking for a new owner. The barbie gets scared of having someone that does want to keep her and does everything she can to push the orginal owner who loved her so much away.
