Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This is me alone... (I've lost count 2)

I sat outside my house, with the garage door down, so I could just be alone, and smoked a cigarette. It was nice, but I realized something...

I was talking about the "game" the other night. I understand now why I keep guys around, as friends. I've always thought I was independent; and honestly I am, but I'm keeping connections because I love to be wanted. I want to be the girl wanted by everyone. I want to be the girl you need around when you have something exceptional to say. And I'll be that.

It's my journalistic instincts coming out in me. I get to talk to everyone and get a little piece of who they are, and then when the job is done you keep into contact just in case you need them one night, but you're nothing more than the girl that got away. The girl they'd make out with, but never get attached to. A journalist is always a "friend with benefits."

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