Words of Wisdom from 2% of the population...

This post will be short bursts of wisdom I have every so often... I'm told that not many think like me, my ex-boyfriend puts "my kind" at two percent of the total population, so if you agree comment and I'll give you a metaphorical high-five.

--I'm too into my career to be with someone that needs a goodbye.

--You shake hands when you're meeting someone for the first time. Making out is kinda like that for me. Just like they say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they shake your hand, you can also tell quite a bit about someone by how they stick their tongue in your mouth.

-- Wishes are for people that don't have the courage and funds to be ambitious.

-- I'm not a gold digger, but a successful man is very attractive.

--You know you're not in love when you're masturbating and every second you're thinking of someone else. And you can't get off because it almost makes you feel bad.

-- Embrace being used. It's refreshing to know that you haven't quite mastered everything and there's still more to learn about the game. It makes you feel stronger and more powerful to know that you don't need to waste your time on a relationship or breaking it off easy. It's freeing...

--They say sometimes you have to play by the rules, but if you're the best, you can usually skip that step.