Monday, April 26, 2010

This is me alone... (2)

I didn't sleep well last night. When I finally got to sleep I had horrible dreams. This only reminded me of you.

I would breathe hard or jolt and you would wrap your arms around me and say, "It's okay. It's okay." You probably don't remember, but you probably weren't awake. I was; scared of the tomato faces and grandmas holding pitch forks. But for that one moment, it made me feel safe. I knew that if there was a monster in the darkness, it would get us both and we'd suffer the same and that would make it much more bearable to be taken.

Even when you don't care you do.

I felt lost when I didn't talk to you, but I think I've always liked being lost. Then you see how people really feel, because without you they feel lost too.

A guy asked me if I was single now. "No, I'm not single. I'm independent," I said.

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