Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My indecision

I thrive when I'm alone.

But it fucking hurts when I'm alone.

And I have to choose...

I have to either say, "Hey pad of paper, I'm gonna take a break. See I have someone now that licks my pussy and pulls me back into the sheets every time I try and give you some attention, forcing me to giggle and push my forehead into his chest when Gerald Butler tells Katherine Heigl, 'Yet again, I just told you I am in love with you and you are standing here giving me a vocabulary lesson.'"

Or, "Hey gorgeous man that wants to buy me expensive meals for a bit of lip action, see I have this notepad that's my very best friend, who's always there for me when I'm crying and yelling and vomiting expletives. It's the only one I tell the whole god damn truth to, and I don't mean to keep secrets from you, but I don't know I have secrets until it's blank stare catches my eye. So you're gonna have to go..."

That's it.

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