Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Touch their veins and they will rest... from the clowns?

Margaret--a curvy, silly, sex enthralled, red-headed feminist New Orleans--Cerelia--a thin, passionately worried activist, half Polish, half Cypriot--and I went to an Arts and Activists lecture at a now built up and commercialized bar, know for it's arts activities, Busboys and Poets.
Although for the most part the event featured aloof, pretentious artists disregarding questions, Adriel Luis was probably the most interesting, adding humor into the length of his comments and showing actual art, which the others must have thought would be detrimental to their rambling on how ardent they are for social change.
Check out his video below.

You will be executed:Capital Punishment in 2011

There's no doubt it's a homage to Warhol, conjuring up images of Marilyn Monroe. And Luis was a genius in doing so. Just like the Warhol's Monroe makes a statement about mass production and the fake detached celebrities we see present themselves during interviews and confidently walking down the red carpet, brains going wild with self doubt because they're all just so pretty and the same, Luis video seems to be an assembly line production of execution. The bold, changing, unrealistic colors detach us from the human being, making us think of the deaths like a skit from a cartoon, humorous because it's not real.
Some of the people in the video might have slit a woman's throat or shot a 7-year-old kid during a drive by... Maybe that's what they saw in their mind--a switch off, an engine misfiring, a cord unplugged--when they hurt the people they did. Do the faces of those they damaged haunt them until they're on that slab taking needles, flashing with color, an oxymoronic clown. The end.

Another video by Adriel Luis that is worth checking out is Slip of the Tongue.

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