Monday, September 6, 2010

With this ring I wed thee

He's free. And emotionally exhausted. And lazy. Distant. Preoccupied. And all the other adjectives that come with breaking someone's heart.

He wasn't wearing the gold band this weekend. Why then tonight? I thought about asking but it didn't seem like my business, although he's the one that pushed his business on me.

I hope he made the right decision... I'm unrealistically pessimistic about marriage and wanted him to get a second opinion.

I'm not sure why he decided this and why I'm part of it. I don't want either. I think it's because he got married to young. I think it's because he saw me as the person he wants to be. And I indulged. But he told me he wasn't happy.

Although I will lead and love the life of a traveler, impulsive and indulgent, should I not have told him what sometimes lurks underneath. Have I sub-consciously lied?

He has dismantled a home and made it merely an empty house, where once a woman slept, but now only an insecure, bewildered girl.

"I just realized how empty this place will be without all my stuff... Kinda sad. Shit, even the bed is mine... But I'll leave that I think."

I know he loves her. You have to love family and once your married that's family. He'll leave the bed.

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