Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sitges, Spain - 3/1/2015

At one time people looked out over the water
and thought it ended out there,
falling over an edge
into space.

Sometimes I wish it were that way,
and when we were 97
we could lay back in the water
and float out to the edge
looking up at the sky.

After months of floating...

We wouldn't even notice
dropping off the end.

But we'd watch the stars, which were also thought to be part of a flat plane,
get swallowed by the night
as we fell farther from them.
And we'd feel the water
on our face
not drenched but more than a mist
like when we stood under the falls near Lake Superior.

As we opened our eyes
We'd see the underbelly of the Earth
see it bubbling and toiling
with the weight of us homosapiens.

I thought of this as we walked the boardwalk that first night in Sitges
and I saw a light,
I assume from a ship,
blinking out there.

But I wondered if instead it was a family
set sail to plummet over the edge.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to drink the kool-aid,
to watch as they put the poison
to their lips.
Throats rise and fall
and you swallow and look around,
The warm feeling that you're surrounded by people that would give up so much for you
that would die
for you...

or at least with you.